NORTAC Defence is the first Canadian company producing an Iridium® tracking device that displays Situational Awareness information at the handheld level. Configuration is set up on a separate module on the TITAN
BY NORTAC® platform that provides permissions to selected users for Situational Awareness access on their NORTAC WAVE™ device and which assets they have permission to see. Users will be able to see other assets to a maximum of 50 on the screen with a number (between 2 and 9, if clustered, or 9+ if cluster is more than 9). Users can zoom in to 100m. On selecting an asset, they will be able to see that asset’s information including details from its last positional report. The left and right arrows can be used to access info on each device for which the user has SA access – in order of proximity. In addition, users will be able to easily switch between the radar view and a list only view.
Users will also be able to filter on their device to see “Show only Emergency Assets”. Situational awareness at the handheld level is a game-changer for improving safety in the field and response readiness.